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The 2020-2021 Harmony Yearbook, Subject to Change, is finally HERE! 

Pickup times are as follows:


WHERE: HHS Cafe and Passive Commons, tables sorted by POD (last names: A-G, H-O, P-Z)

WHEN: 4th, 5th, 6th hours from Tuesday (9/21) – Friday (9/24)*Current students may pick up a book for a sister/brother/cousin/neighbor/etc. Students picking up books must have a school ID.

AFTER SCHOOL PICK UP TIMES (Current students/Graduates/Parents):

WHERE: Door 27 Bus Lot

WHEN: 3:45-7:00 p.m. from Tuesday (9/21) – Thursday (9/23)*If you want your book shipped, please send a check for $12 made payable to District 158 to the high school with your student’s name and new address printed neatly on the memo line. It is also OK to have a friend/cousin/neighbor pick up a book for a graduate. 

If you did not order a 2020-2021 yearbook but would like a book, there is a waitlist to purchase one. Waitlist books are $75. Click HERE to fill out the waitlist form. A staffer will reach out to you regarding availability. 

We can’t wait to share all of our hard work. Please realize that this is a completely student-run publication, so mistakes are bound to happen. We sincerely apologize and encourage any current students to join our staff.  If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]

We encourage you to follow our social media accounts for updates and sneak peeks! Twitter: HuntleyYearbook   Instagram: HHSHarmonyYearbook